Spinal cord injury
🌍Among the most common causes of spinal cord injuries are:
1. Traffic accidents
2. Slip-and-fall accidents
3. Sports-related injuries
4. Acts of violence
5. Medical malpractice
Spinal cord injuries are serious because the brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS). This complex system coordinates movement and sensation throughout the body, and damage or destruction of this system prohibits the brain and body from communicating effectively below the level of injury.In most cases, the signs and symptoms of a spinal cord injury are instantly apparent. Depending on the injury’s severity, some indicators may not be noticeable until days or weeks following the injury.
The period immediately following the spinal cord injury is the most critical in terms of medical treatment. Anyone suspected of having a spinal cord injury should be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible.
A spinal cord injury can result in widespread bodily dysfunction including:
1. Loss of bladder/bowel control: Depending on the level of injury, the brain may not be able to communicate with the bladder or bowels, and changes in control may require new techniques to avoid infection.
2.Changes in skin sensation:Â Victims may have difficulty distinguishing pressure, heat or cold.
3. Impaired circulatory control: Circulatory problems include high and low blood pressure, as well as increased rates for developing blood clots, pulmonary embolism and other circulatory disorders.
4. Respiratory system dysfunction: Injuries located high on the spinal canal can limit control of the abdominal and chest muscles, as well as the diaphragm. The loss of functioning in these muscles can result in labored breathing, lung problems or pneumonia.
5. Loss of muscle tone: It’s common for spinal cord injury victims to experience irregular muscle tone throughout affected areas of the body.
6. Impaired sexual health: Men and women alike may experience changes in sexual function following a spinal cord injury.
7. Mental health problems: Changes to the body following a spinal cord injury can be devastating, and depression is a common side effect.