is a device to detect the angles of patients' bodies.
Telepatron is a technology startup founded in 2019 by Dr.Nikoobakht ,Dr.Eslami,Dr.Abbasie and Mr.Molazemi in Tehran Iran.Our purpose for production of this device is to create a simple at home recovery and monitoring solution to improve patient’s outcome and reduce time spent in rehab.In other words, our digital goniometer is a powerful tool in the hands of physical therapists or other movements professional. The importance in documenting the progress of rehabilitation and monitoring patient/client status is increasing by providing the ability to make precise measurements of joint mobility.
Telepatron technology features straps, digital boxes and connecting wires that record and transmite movement data of injured joints to a server in to the form of encrypted codes. Then , health care team can access to movements data of patients in order to have better recovery, rehabilitation and monitoring of patients.
We have 2 applications for our device. The first is Telepatron Doctor which belongs to health care team and must be set up on their smartphone.In this application , health care teams can access to movements data of patients including: ROM, active and passive movements, Emg1 and Emg2 , offline data storage into the excel output , daily chart and custom chart .